Certain Success™ Podcast
Welcome to The Certain Success™ Podcast, where faith, family, and business intersect to create a life of purpose and design.
Why do we call it 'Certain Success'?
-- because our only certain success is in our eternal relationship with Christ.
Join your host Matt Fagioli , a successful 7 figure seriel entrepreneur, disciple of Christ and an avid learner as we share our Holy Spirit rants and interviews with fellow business owners & entrepreneurs to explore the unique challenges and opportunities of building and operating businesses while putting God first in life.
Matt has dedicated much of his career to helping entrepreneurs become more amazing humans and win big. If you're all about living intentionally while constantly growing and learning, this is the podcast for you!
Matt brings a fresh perspective to the world of business and entrepreneurship. Don't miss out on the chance to learn from experienced entrepreneurs and grow in your faith while building your business.
Tune in to The Certain Success™ Podcast and discover the keys to living a life of certain success.
Certain Success™ Podcast
Anything is Possible | The Power of Thought with Adora Crystal Evans
The power of thought, combined with a deep connection to our inner spirituality, can ignite a force of positive change.
In this enlightening episode, I had the privilege of being joined by a remarkable guest, Adora Crystal Evans, President of the Napoleon Hill Institute. We delved into the essence of the Napoleon Hill Institute, explored the timeless wisdom encapsulated in "Think and Grow Rich," and discussed how these principles intersect with our faith.
Adora also shared her personal journey of finding faith and how it has profoundly impacted her life. She emphasized the importance of a strong connection with God in shaping our purpose and outlook on life. We also talked about the idea of a spiritual revival, a return to the basics of faith, and the potential for miracles and deep personal transformation.
This episode is a reminder that faith, self-improvement, and the power of positive thinking are all closely linked to our path to success and happiness. So, don't miss out on this inspiring conversation.
Specifically, this episode highlights the following themes:
- The Napoleon Hill Institute and its influence
- Faith as an essential element for business success
- Connecting science and spirituality in the pursuit of success
Links from this episode:
- Know more about Adora Crystal Evans: https://adoracrystal.com
- Learn more about Napoleon Hill Institute: https://www.napoleonhillinstitute.com
- Connect with Adora: adora@napoleonhillinstitute.com
- Follow Adora on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adorasgroove
Adora Crystal Evans [00:00:00]:
There's a lot of darkness and suppression and a lot of really tough things happening in our world. But anytime that happens, God always brings a balance. And I think that what's necessary next is a flood of this life giving energy of God's spirit and the anointing that comes with that, as well as the business principles that have us prosper.
Matt Fagioli [00:00:36]:
Hey, guys. Welcome back to the Certain Success Podcast. I'm your host, Matt Fagioli, and today's special guest is a new good friend. I like to say it's much better than saying old friend, but a really good new friend. Adora Crystal Evans. How are you?
Adora Crystal Evans [00:00:58]:
I'm great, thank you. Yeah, I like that, too. New friend better than old friend. We're too young for that. We're too vibrant for that.
Matt Fagioli [00:01:07]:
Yeah, that's right. Well, old friend sounds terrible, but what I think is interesting is when you meet with somebody and you connect with them at a deep enough level that I'm like, I feel like I've known you forever kind of thing. And that's how I feel about our friendship, even though we really haven't known each other that long. Just this year we met. But anyway, but for everybody listening, adora is like a literal rock star has done a million things, but she's co host of a national television show, dining divas, and now the US. President of the United States, U. S. President of the Napoleon Hill Institute, which it's a big, big deal to me.
Matt Fagioli [00:01:54]:
Big, big deal nationally. There's tons going on with it. And while we could have a three hour podcast, we could let go Joe Rogan style on your life and everything going on with you. But I want to focus for this first episode because I think we'll do more together and share with everybody what's going on with Napoleon Hill Institute. And the world seems to be circling around the think and grow rich content and Napoleon Hill. And let's talk about man. Yeah. Did I do okay with the introductions? Can you add some more body to that?
Adora Crystal Evans [00:02:36]:
Amazing. How do I do with my air guitar? When you said literal rock star, I wanted to make sure we're congruent. Thank you. I think you did great.
Matt Fagioli [00:02:46]:
We have some broll of you playing air guitar recently that you shared on social that we may have to edit in Know. I'm just teasing.
Adora Crystal Evans [00:02:56]:
Anyway, that's awesome. I love yeah, there there is a lot. And, Matt, thank you so much for having me. The feelings are really mutual. Like you said, when you meet someone and you vibe and where we really vibe is our heart for humanity, our heart for God freeing people our heart for what's possible when you take self development principles and laws that have been put in place since before the beginning of time. Or at least we know at the beginning of time. In the beginning was the word, right? And the word was God. And you put those things together, what's possible, what is possible.
Adora Crystal Evans [00:03:43]:
And so while some people really geek out on self development and highest peak performance and some people go really deep in faith and spirituality and philanthropy and altruism, the people who intersect there, those are my people. Those are your people. Because I was talking to my fiance once and I was saying, God, I had a Christian awakening at 15 is when I found Christ and had this holy moment. And at that time I moved 13 times before 9th grade, had been through all these change people in and out of our house, in and out of our lives. Nothing felt really stable. And that's just a glimpse of kind of the chaos there. And so when I found God, or God found me, this idea that I had this protector and this person that was stable and listening and caring for me and interested in what I had to say. And I talk a lot and I talked even more and had things to say to me.
Adora Crystal Evans [00:04:58]:
I really went from lost to found. Like people say I was found and my life opened up with purpose. And I'd say to my fiance, who has a very strong relationship with God, but he has an incredible relationship with his mother, which I love his mother. I love his mother. Both of our closets are leopard glitter black and she's strong, an incredible human being and I just love her so much. But he has known all his life in highs and lows and whatever, that his mom is a solid rock, unconditional loves him. Well, I didn't necessarily have that in my life. So that relationship with God became the number one.
Adora Crystal Evans [00:05:50]:
Some people don't need it. I think everybody needs it, but they don't feel they need it as much. And sometimes people have said, wow, that's so cool that you're so devoted. And I'm like, no, it's survival. Like you need your mama, I need my God. Right? For me, the grander context is always that what am I here for? What does God have for me? What does God have for people? And it's behind everything that I do. And now interpsychology self development, business, communication, all the things that gives us frameworks to work with, shifting things in the physical, in the material, so we can do more. They're great tools.
Adora Crystal Evans [00:06:41]:
And just like a painter has wonderful tools when they understand, oh, you could use I don't know enough about painting, but acrylic, oils, watercolor, I could sculpt, I could whatever. Let me go off that because not my superpower.
Matt Fagioli [00:06:57]:
That was a pretty good analogy. I actually really liked it. Yeah.
Adora Crystal Evans [00:07:02]:
So the Napoleon Hill stuff. Oh, go ahead, Matt.
Matt Fagioli [00:07:05]:
I was just going to say I love the way you framed that because we talk about this podcast as being the intersection of business and faith. And I think what's interesting about the Napoleon Hill Institute and about think and grow rich and all of that stuff is that just like psychology and a bunch of other things that are outside of the biblical space that I think a lot of times Christians sort of think, oh, I'm not supposed to pay attention to any of that other stuff. Or, like, none of that is valid or from God. And I'm like, God made it all. God made it all. So I think it has to be in the biblical context. It has to be all in reverence to Christ that like, hey, none of us are accomplished anything unless it's God's will for our lives. But he gave us all these powerful tools, and that's how I feel about think grow rich about Napoleon Hill Institute and everything wrapped around it.
Matt Fagioli [00:08:02]:
So with that anyway, go ahead. I just want to sort of affirm that I'm on board with the way you framed.
Adora Crystal Evans [00:08:08]:
Yeah, thanks. Yeah. And it got me thinking about I mean, there are so many tools that we use. Like at one point Christians and not the Christians listening to your but there was a point in time where Christians were afraid of radio because the prince of the power of air, right? But how many people have come to God through radio? How much ministry and hope has delivered through radio? So it's not about the actual tool, about the Internet, the development, the psychology, the doctors that can give us antiaging protocols or heal us when yeah, sure, it'd be even better to find a miracle, someone working in the anointing and to just take the cold away. But in the meantime, a little vitamin C and isn't about right. So I'm with you that sometimes we have these resistances when it's so much of quantum physics even and metaphysics and all the science of that it's like Jesus said, if you can say to this mountain, be removed and cast into the sea, well, how could a mountain move unless it has an energy? And how could when we some of these things and I get it because you have to be discerning about how deep you go with something or idolizing a tool. But that happens if we idolize our spouse, if we idolize money, if we idolize anything, we worship as the source, when actually God is our source becomes a problem, right? And you've got to watch it. You get down a track and now you're in dark magic, right? So anything like that you got to be mindful of.
Adora Crystal Evans [00:09:56]:
So I understand. But at the same time, there's so much evidence and science and tools and that if we actually use them, you go, wow, this just validates scripture. It just validates what Christ was saying all along. And that's true in business. It's true because we are spirits who have landed the real estate of a physical body and the right to play in this game, the ability to play. So when you are first that a creation of that and you've been given this real estate. Anything we touch is spiritual in nature, even if we're not focused on the spiritual part. I mean, for a business to come into play, someone took it from inspiration.
Adora Crystal Evans [00:10:49]:
And I'll get back to the Napoleon Hill Institute, remind me to go back there. But they took it from inspiration means in spirit, right? So a spirit comes from wherever God keeps us before we come to Earth through the body of a woman. That's the portal and makes it into physical reality. Well, our businesses, our ideas, our relationships are birthed in a similar way. They come from this inspired spiritual state. And then we bring them into our mind and we visualize, we think, we imagine, we start speaking and acting into existence. And for a business to make it there was someone who had so much faith in that idea, or enough faith. I shouldn't say so much because an entrepreneur's faith is like sometimes in one day, like, what was I thinking? Right? But it's really just enough faith that they held the vision long enough and enrolled enough people in that idea.
Adora Crystal Evans [00:11:52]:
And that vision, whether it was Disney or shipping or FedEx or Amazon or coaching or whatever, that enough people saw it and then took action on it until it becomes a physical thing that now feeds families, moves, enterprise. So it all calls on the same principles and is a very spiritual process. Even if someone is not spiritual and they don't think that they're doing a spiritual thing first. We are spirits, so there's no way around it. Some people are more spiritually minded, some people are more physically, and some are very both, right? And it's a beautiful thing. And so now you look at the Bible, and then the only book, the next most selling book of all time is Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, right? It's wild. So you've got these two foundational works, and one of them, the Think and Grow Rich work is any major thought leader. Many celebrities, many people, they know the book, they've read the work.
Adora Crystal Evans [00:13:12]:
And then there are people that have read other authors that don't even know that author was influenced or coming. Like Brian Tracy. Most of his stuff was right out of and now that's old for the young people. They're like who's?
Matt Fagioli [00:13:25]:
Right? Exactly.
Adora Crystal Evans [00:13:26]:
Who the heck is Brian Tracy? But he influenced of every Tony Robbins oprah. We have different actors, actresses, all these people. And so that book was written in released in a depression, and it was released in a depression when people really needed it. Poverty was everywhere. Everything they were looking at was getting bleak and constricted and uncertain. And so the message of, hey, you can think your way through are and for those of you that don't know, andrew Carnegie hired Napoleon Hill and made letters of introduction for Napoleon to go interview over a 20 year period. Some of the top thought leaders of that time. And at that time, only men were known to be the top thought leaders.
Adora Crystal Evans [00:14:20]:
We hadn't evolved yet and opened our eyes. So it was like mahatma Gandhi, Theodore Roosevelt, Henry Ford, all these different people. And then he created this, okay, what among many, many works that we're going to get to start studying now. But he created a core work, the laws of success that turned in a condensed version was think and grow rich. And this became like, hey, these are the core principles that every successful person used. And so I think the timing of I feel like two things are coming, Matt. I feel like a spiritual revival is coming. I'm calling for mm.
Adora Crystal Evans [00:15:00]:
You want to know what Mm is?
Matt Fagioli [00:15:01]:
Adora Crystal Evans [00:15:03]:
Miracle mode. Like mm activated, right? Like, let's get a miracle mode. Yeah, I think there's going to be a revival, like old school pentecostal revivals. I think we're going to see miracles, signs, wonders like we haven't seen before. And I also think that that's also why you're seeing this movement of Napoleon hillwork coming from different wellsprings, and it's going to be massive. If you don't know who he is yet, you're about to know, because some of the greatest marketers in the world have become obsessed with making sure that our world has it. And the reason I think these things are happening and that they're coming is one, because there's a lot of darkness and suppression and a lot of really tough things happening in our world. And maybe it was always like that, but we have more media to see it.
Adora Crystal Evans [00:15:58]:
But the sense that I get is it's gotten worse. Families are it's also gotten better in a lot of ways. But anytime that happens, god always brings a balance, always brings the balance, and always not just a balance, but, okay, I see what you can do. Let me show you what I can do. Right? And I think that what's necessary next is a flood of this life giving energy of God's spirit and the anointing that comes with that, as well as the business principles that have us prosper, because god loves all people, not just Christian people. God doesn't want anyone to suffer, right? And sometimes I think it's easy for Christians to be like, well, once you get saved, then you won't suffer anymore. But I believe God's way more merciful than that. In fact, God jesus healed before he made a call to himself.
Adora Crystal Evans [00:17:14]:
I just think healers heal. No one suffers. And through that love and mercy, people are called.
Matt Fagioli [00:17:21]:
Well, and I think there's still plenty of suffering on the Christian side. I actually just heard I'm a huge fanboy of Erwin McManus, as you might know, and just listened to one of his most recent sermons, and he was talking about that where people come to their faith, and they're like, everything's going to be roses for the rest of my life. And it's like that's not what the scripture says and that's not the reality that I've lived in. But I think for those of you who are listening to this maybe don't understand, think and grow rich or you've seen it or heard about it or whatever, but it's a transformational piece of work that's based on research of the brightest minds at the time, which now it's been many, many hundred years ago. But they talked to everyone who had accomplished anything huge in the world, basically, and they all said the same thing about the power of the mind and a bunch of other stuff. But I think for the sake of brevity, I want to focus on the power of the mind because I feel like that that is the fundamental truth of that piece of work and that it's basically been lost in our current era. This idea that you become what you think about and that you have the power to control that. And I just think that just that has been almost completely lost in our generation.
Adora Crystal Evans [00:18:57]:
Yeah, well, in thinking grow rich in general, like we were talking about before we hit record on this podcast, is that there's a surface level understanding of, okay, that's just a get rich quick kind of thing or it's an esoteric thing or it's very okay, have a purpose. What's your vision? Go the extra mile. Have enthusiasm, have a positive mental attitude. All these different core principles.
Matt Fagioli [00:19:31]:
Or even worse than that, this sort of like prosperity gospel thing. And you could do that with it. You can do anything with your mind, right? So you could turn it into that if that's where you are. But that's not what the fundamental truths are, right?
Adora Crystal Evans [00:19:52]:
What I find so cool. And I think you're going to geek out even more and more because I know we're going deeper with all this work. Is that the way that Napoleon Hill was represented and the way most people have represented it, from my opinion, has been very conservative and straightforward and can go into every sales organization like, go the extra mile, have a positive mental attitude, have a goal and go for it. Be relentless. Right? But anybody who reads it knows that Napoleon Hill was talking about he talks very directly about infinite intelligence. And this what we now talk about, the space between things and the physics or the quantum physics or the neurology or the reticular activating system. There are so many different ways people are approaching. How do our thoughts and our attitudes move us toward a realization of a goal, of being successful business people who make a difference, who are great to our team members, who love our families, who show up for our kids, who are able to do all the things that can feel like I don't even know how.
Adora Crystal Evans [00:21:17]:
I don't have time for anything. How am I going? Depending on where you are in the journey. But Napoleon Hill was talking about infinite intelligence and know we all have access to that infinite brain, that every thought has a physical place in the field and you can literally just tap in and access that. He talked about faith, but enthusiasm, that enthusiasm is the closest when you're enthused. I find that really close to inspiration. But when you're in enthusiasm and that energy, you are as close to infinite intelligence. And some say God, they exchange those two words. I'm starting to think they're two different things, actually.
Adora Crystal Evans [00:22:13]:
But you're as close to that source and that infinite ability to create, highest ability to create in that emotional state. So it is our mind, but often our emotions and the emotional state which we can take our mind to drive our emotional state because we can take our mind and rather than think, I need to be better, I need to be more disciplined, which is still kind of it's higher, but it's lower. At least you're aware you need to do something. Or you could take your mind and go into gratitude. You can take your mind and go into the feeling of certainty. You can take your mind and go into moments you felt really proud. And from that emotional state, your emotions start to feed thoughts that match. Because even as babies, before you have words and pictures, you have these emotions and then the thoughts that line up to try to articulate and communicate and figure out start feeding it.
Adora Crystal Evans [00:23:23]:
So it's wild that so much science has come out that proves both the Bible and Prove. These principles that were written about in the are the original text, the original success movement or thought leader movement, and how they all point to the same thing that you just said, that it's in our minds and how we learn to wield and direct that tool of our mind that determines the outcome that we have. Whether you think yourself poor, you think yourself a victim, you think yourself someone not able to have healthy relationships, you think yourself invisible, a doormat, or you think yourself brilliant favored, lucky, blessed in healthy relationships. The thing about is that when people first hear that, they go, okay, I just thought I was a millionaire. Where's the money? But it's a process. It's a process of an identity shift, and some of those leaps happen. I mean, for all of us that geek out on this stuff, you have these Mm mode, the miracle moments, the miracle mode where you're like, whoa, that was major. I thought about this and there was no way it could happen.
Adora Crystal Evans [00:25:00]:
And boom, there it is. But then for most of us, there's an over time consistency of moving from toddler to adolescent or adolescent to tween.
Matt Fagioli [00:25:17]:
Well, and just the reality of the time that it takes to convince your subconscious mind to come along with that first thought that it's just banging up against the wall the first time you hit that thought. But all of this lives in this practical reality of you said a minute ago about that you think that some people conflate the term infinite intelligence with God and that you don't think that. And I don't think that. I think that when Christ talked about our power to move the mountain, I think that what Napoleon Hill called infinite intelligence is this power of the mind that God created and gave us control over and gave us dominion over, that we don't talk about and understand as a collective humanity. And yet anybody who's touched that at all knows that that's a thing like a it's what Jesus said and like, okay, well, if I can move the mountain, how does that happen? I think it happens in this energy field that people get all weird about and take it to places they shouldn't and it can get really New Agey and weird. And I think that's where people get confused and Christians get scared and they're like, oh, no, this is bad stuff. And I'm like, no, I think that's of the Lord as long as you're worshipping the Lord and keeping him in his proper place and all of that. And so I'm really glad for the way you kind of introduced that.
Matt Fagioli [00:27:03]:
And I think that that's the heart of what's happening. Think and grow rich. What's happening with all that material right now that was nearly, I think, basically almost lost in time until you and Russell Brunson and all these people are bringing that back as a revival and all of it in context. These are all Christians that are bringing it back in the context of saying, like, hey, we're not putting this above the word. We're saying, but it's right below the word, and there's a lot in there that came from it. So anyway, sorry I got on my soapbox there, but don't be sorry.
Adora Crystal Evans [00:27:44]:
I love it. No, it's so true. And the discovery that infinite intelligence and God were something separate. I mean, in my twenty s and thirty s, I often interchange them. Like, maybe you call it God, maybe you call it infinite intelligence. And there was a period in my life where I'm like, God, what's your real name? Right, but it's name above all names. It's 1000 names. We know that.
Adora Crystal Evans [00:28:14]:
Just try to catch how many are in the Bible. But as I'm walking in life with experience and all of that, there are certain laws that we act in, whether it be gravity or how you and I are able to have this zoom across air in two different cities. And there are laws that humans have learned to tap into that now allow for this that didn't exist before that probably seemed like ghost or supernatural. There's a lot of stuff going on right now that gets put into New Age that is probably my friend Deborah Waitley, Dennis's daughter, calls it Fusai future science. Like we haven't discovered it yet. And so when we don't know what it is and it's got this woo factor, then it's this mystical. But all of it is practical. There are laws that have it all operate, including how miracles happen, how anything, and we're still uncovering that stuff.
Adora Crystal Evans [00:29:21]:
And so infinite intelligence to me is just like we have computers or things running us or the intelligence that runs and operates our body or my little dogs have this whole operating system. They're the higher laws that the universe is running on. And God is above that, the creator of all that. God is who we have connection with. And if we have chosen to be Christians, we've accepted that in our lives. And Jesus said, know you not that ye are gods, you're God's children. You are God. You are co creators with me.
Adora Crystal Evans [00:30:03]:
You are now above this sin and death and curses. And so it's about how do we go into miracle mode and learn to tap into that while working with the realities and Think and Grow Rich. And a lot of Napoleon Hill's work, it's the know. Those are the original guidebooks to the secrets of successful living and creation and entrepreneurs especially tend to really love that material.
Matt Fagioli [00:30:37]:
Well, this has been amazing and I don't want to keep you too long, but I want to share with people as much as you can. I know there's a bunch of stuff that's not quite in the public domain yet, but what can you share about how people can obviously, if you haven't already, guys, it's kind of like the Bible that you don't open. I bet you have a copy of Think and Grow Rich somewhere in your house or something like that, or someone's given you one or whatever, but if you don't get one, read it cover to cover. And just like the but well, make sure you're reading your Bible and then read it cover to cover, over and over and over and over. That's the thing that I was listening to something that Bob Proctor recorded today and well, he didn't record it today. I listened to it today. But he was talking about how he was like, take this video. It was an hour long.
Matt Fagioli [00:31:31]:
And he was like, what if you listened to this video every day over and over again for a year and what that impact would be? And I loved hearing that because I do that. Like, if I find a piece of material that I think is transformational, I'm like, I just boom over in the same and beat it into my subconscious. Anyway, guys, if you haven't just devoured a copy of Think and Grow Rich and the Bible, you need to do both of those things. But beyond that adora, what else can people do to kind of dig into what's coming with Napoleon Hill Institute, et cetera?
Adora Crystal Evans [00:32:08]:
Yeah, so let me talk about both things. So napoleon Hill Institute. We're the coaching division of the Napoleon Hill Foundation. So never before has there been the know to go in as a Napoleon Hill certified coach into corporations. And now we have this whole coaching division. So my focus right now with that are people who feel called to become coaches that want next level brand to get to associate with and really a community of. We have Gary Chappell of Nightingale Conant. He was the CEO of Gale Conant.
Adora Crystal Evans [00:32:51]:
Teaching the skill of not just there's first mastering Napoleon Hill's principles, which will take a lifetime, like the but then but then there is the skill of actually getting results with your clients. And so for people who feel called to being coaches, the Napoleon Hill Institute definitely reach out to me and I can give the links for you to drop. But Adora@napoleonhillinstitute.com is a great place. And mention that you heard about us here. And then for studying the book and what we're doing with Russell Brunson, a great option is one if you're going to buy it online, make sure you get a Napoleon Hill Foundation version of it, or I think you have a link. Matt where we've locked arms with Russell Brunson and the Napoleon Hill Foundation, he's building out a 20,000 square foot thought leader library. Finishing the Napoleon Hill Thought Leader library. That's the objective.
Adora Crystal Evans [00:33:56]:
Starting with books, not only by Napoleon Hill, but his mentors and all the other books. So a great way would be Russell has a promotion right now where you can get a version of Think and Grow rich and you get two other never published before Napoleon Hill books. And it's free plus shipping and Russell's teaching in there. And we have different thought leaders teaching in there. And we'll deep dive into, okay, this is the original material. There's so many people out there. But what was he thinking? What was really going on? And so that's a fun way to do it inside of a community where we can engage. I'll be in there, a bunch of other people are in there.
Adora Crystal Evans [00:34:50]:
So I love that call to action and we can put a link to that inside.
Matt Fagioli [00:34:56]:
Yeah, it's such a big deal too, that not everybody knows who Russell is. But Russell Brunson to me, is one of the biggest thinkers I've ever come across. And he is kind of leading the charge, has spent millions and millions. I heard a number the other day on a webinar that you and I were both on. It was like $15 million he's invested in this just in acquiring all the rights to all of this material. And it's pretty unbelievable. So that's such a huge statement. I think when somebody that you and I both respect that deeply has invested that heavily in this specific thing, it's like, whoa, what's that about?
Adora Crystal Evans [00:35:39]:
It's legacy. He wants to make sure that future generations have this original sacred material. And he wants to. Bring you're right. It's 15 million in books. He's still collecting things to bring all the original thoughts and ideas into one place. Matt, I need to mention Cleona O'Hara as well.
Matt Fagioli [00:36:00]:
Yes, of.
Adora Crystal Evans [00:36:01]:
Yeah, she's the CEO of the Napoleon Hill Institute. A dear friend, I love her so much. She worked with Bob Proctor for many years and when Bob and that's where her and I first met. But when Bob Proctor passed away, bob had everyone studying think and grow rich. And so she went, okay, do I stay here or go to where my mentor was studying? Back to the original text. So she had already started this swell of we're going to put coaches, we're going to touch 8 billion lives, we're going to find the way makers that are here to impact. And I was drawn into that. And the crazy thing is I did an event in Hollywood where Justin flew out and Cleona flew out and they were auctioning some Napoleon Hill things.
Adora Crystal Evans [00:37:00]:
Then a few months later, Cleona came to a mastermind I did in St. Lucia that went on the We Channel and then we all flew in to Wise, Virginia. Russell flew in on his jet with Justin. Cleona flew in, they made deals. And now this is the after of that. We're launching this huge success study group and the coaching and, yeah, there are going to be so many people impacted by that. Those of you listening and watching, I hope you'll hear the call. And if you haven't gotten like, oh my gosh, I need to read the book again or I got to get involved or I need to read it for the first time, you'll have your own story.
Adora Crystal Evans [00:37:46]:
Everybody that I've ever met has. We didn't go into it today, but they have their moment that they read that book and what opened and how their lives changed and how it became foundational because it is so high vibration and so loaded with truth. When your spirit meets it, there's an activation that happens and then when you rally, bring people together around, just it's perfect. So Matt, I'm so glad that you're doing what you're doing here, that you're a stand for Christian entrepreneurs to really win and for people, period, that are in business to find ways to bring their faith more forward in all that they do, especially in business. It doesn't have to be separate. And in fact, when you bring your faith forward boldly that the blessings are bountiful and you're a total stand for that. And we're super grateful to be aligned with you and all the ways that people will see as we get into the new year. And just thank you.
Matt Fagioli [00:38:59]:
Thank you very much. Adora, it's been phenomenal. We could do this for hours and hours and hours. And I hope you'll come back over and over again on this podcast and can't wait to unveil some of the things that are coming with us together, but also with Russell. And just the next few months is going to be powerful, guys. So stay tuned. We'll share all of Adora's information here. And thanks for being with us on the Certain Success podcast.