Certain Success™ Podcast
Welcome to The Certain Success™ Podcast, where faith, family, and business intersect to create a life of purpose and design.
Why do we call it 'Certain Success'?
-- because our only certain success is in our eternal relationship with Christ.
Join your host Matt Fagioli , a successful 7 figure seriel entrepreneur, disciple of Christ and an avid learner as we share our Holy Spirit rants and interviews with fellow business owners & entrepreneurs to explore the unique challenges and opportunities of building and operating businesses while putting God first in life.
Matt has dedicated much of his career to helping entrepreneurs become more amazing humans and win big. If you're all about living intentionally while constantly growing and learning, this is the podcast for you!
Matt brings a fresh perspective to the world of business and entrepreneurship. Don't miss out on the chance to learn from experienced entrepreneurs and grow in your faith while building your business.
Tune in to The Certain Success™ Podcast and discover the keys to living a life of certain success.
Certain Success™ Podcast
Christ At The Center of Every Business Conversation
Ever wondered how to bring Christ into the heart of your business? I'm Matt Fagioli, your host, and today, I'm excited to share how intertwining faith and professional pursuits can radically transform your interactions and relationships. I got inspired to think differently about my daily tasks and conversations after a powerful exchange I had that reaffirmed the importance of putting Jesus at the heart of it all.
Join me as we journey through the idea of shifting your perspective from what you can take, to how you can serve. Reflecting on a recent conversation, I realized I was known for 'dumping some Jesus' into discussions, and how wonderful it was to hear that. Using this idea, I explored how to serve even in situations where I wasn't the client and realized that putting Christ at the center changes our approach to relationships and conversations. Let's explore the peace and beauty that comes with embracing faith in our everyday lives and work. So, whether you're dreading a task on your calendar or just looking for a new approach to your daily routine, let this episode inspire and motivate you.
Hey guys, welcome to the Certain Success podcast. I'm your host, matt Fagioli, and today I want to talk about something cool that happened yesterday, or I thought it was cool. I'm always trying to share with people how to put Christ in the center of your business. If you've been listening at all to the Certain Success podcast or anything I do, you know that that's my passion is the intersection of business and faith and what that looks like. I think we all struggle like how do I live my life for God? How do I put Christ in the middle of everything that I'm doing? What happened yesterday? I met a new friend who was introduced by another friend. That other friend, as introduced, this new person, said hey, I want you to meet this guy, matt. I think you guys are going to have a really great conversation. Just so you know, he's probably going to dump some Jesus on you. There's going to be some Jesus in that conversation or something like that. I'm not sure how he said it. My new friend relayed that to me and in the process he said man, I wish people would introduce me like that. I wish people would say that about me. I wish people would say, hey, if you meet that guy just know, some Jesus is going to come off in the conversation, without a doubt. I guess that's something that I've become known for and I'm really proud of that, because that hasn't always been true of me. For sure, if you come around me now, there's going to be some Jesus in the conversation. Jesus is going to be at the center of my mind, going into the conversation, and it's going to come up somewhere in our conversation. And how it's tied to my life and how it's tied to my business and what am I thinking about?
Speaker 1:I guess what prompted me to record this was I got up this morning. All these other conversations happened yesterday. I got up this morning and I had a scheduled phone call zoom call and I wasn't sure about it. It was one of those calls that gets on your calendar and I'm like I don't know about this call, if it's going to be a good call or a bad call, or if I should do it or if I should cancel it, or I just wasn't excited about it. God whispered in my ear and said bring Jesus to that conversation. How can I serve the person on the other end of the line, which is always a great thought, even though that wasn't the nature of the call. It wasn't a client of mine, it was somebody that I might be a client of. I guess I'm on the client end of that call, potentially. But still, instead of me thinking like what am I going to get out of this call, or maybe I should cancel it or whatever, god shifted my thinking to bring Jesus to that conversation.
Speaker 1:Put Jesus at the center of every conversation Again. Guys, I super have not lived my life that way, my whole life. For sure, if you've known me for any length of time, you know that I've failed at that 100,000 ways. But that's the mission of my life, that's the mission of certain success If you're connected at all to me and my business life is to live at the intersection of our business and our faith. I think it was just such an interesting notion, an interesting thought, to say well, how do I do that?
Speaker 1:I think it comes down to put Christ at the center of every single conversation that you have no-transcript If what's top of mind for you every minute of every day and every conversation is Christ and faith and the things that are born from that thinking, which is legacy and success and giving to others and a heart of service and all the wonderful things.
Speaker 1:I'm thinking like Philippians 4 things. Think about such things and the God of peace will be with you. So a short one today, but wanted to share that and encourage you guys as you get up today and maybe you've got something on your calendar that you're like man, I don't want to do that or I'm not sure about that, or I'm not sure how that's going to, if that's going to be a good use of my time or anything like that, and try this out today, flip that around and go like, okay, well, how do I serve whoever that person is that I'm about to engage with and how do I put Christ at the center of that conversation? So you guys, have an amazing day, put Christ at the center of the day and we'll see you back here on the Certain Success Podcast.